I am so sorry I haven't updated in a long time. We actually just got internet yesterday. Luckily, I have been doing blog entries on my computer so today I will upload all of them to the blog so that you can see what we've been up to!!!!
Entry from August 16, 2011:
Today we arrived in Disney!!!! I am so excited and nervous and sad bundled into one. It's really great to be down here because the past few days have been a lot of driving, and they've been such a mix of emotions. It was really hard to leave Nate Sunday morning, as I knew it would be, but I really do feel like this is where I should be. He is so incredibly supportive, which I am so grateful for. It really has helped a lot. But it is definitely an adjustment and I really miss him.
I'm a Disney Cast Member!!!!!!!!! These past few days have been a complete whirlwind – they've been exciting, exhausting, and so much fun. There have been so many unbelievable moments and I will try to recount all of them for you!
I'll start with Saturday August 13. We had a BBQ that day where many friends and family members came to support our journey. It was so wonderful to be reminded of just how many people encourage us and are such a wonderful part of our lives. We had so so much fun. Part of the BBQ was a Disney trivia contest that my cousin Renee, and friend, Heather, won. Victoria and I are so looking forward to picking something out for them. We have some ideas but we haven't purchased anything yet. We'll definitely pick something out within the next week or so to send.
After the BBQ Nate and I were able to spend some time together, and I showed him the DVD I made him. It was a DVD of all movies and pictures while we've been dating set to music, and with a bit of a storyline. He loved it, but it was very sad. As much as I've wanted to do this my whole life, it has definitely been a difficult decision. We will really miss our friends and family, and it will be hard to be without each other. Thus far the most difficult part of my journey has been being so far away from him and knowing that I won't see him for a while. He has been so wonderful and encouraging and positive, which has really helped. I could not have asked for more.
Sunday morning we left around 7:45 am to begin make our way south. By the time we got gas and stopped at the bank it was 8:30 and we really got on the road. My mom drove with me (because she knew I would be really sad leaving Nate) and my dad drove with Victoria. Our plan was to stop in Arlington, VA for the night and stay with my cousin, Elena. The first part of our trip went by very smoothly. We made great time and stopped for lunch right before the NY border in CT.
Unfortunately, it was all downhill from there. We got stuck in HORRIBLE traffic on the NJ Turnpike and for two hours were going less than 5 mph. My mom and I kept our hopes up thinking when we got out of NJ everything would start looking up. However we hit hours of traffic in each state because of accidents and when we finally got to Maryland, it started down-pouring. I mean torrential rain. The kind of rain where your windshield wipers aren't even helpful. It was CRAZY. Then it started hailing!! Luckily, we finally made it to Arlington at quarter to midnight, overall a 16 hour trip. (We even took a detour at the Pentagon after getting lost. I got a little nervous when I saw signs about car searches, but fortunately there was a way out before the search. Can you imagine the time it would have taken with my car FULL of luggage and things for our apartment?) We had a really great dinner with Elena – it was so so great to see her, especially because I was having a rough time thinking about Nate. She encouraged me to enjoy my experience and her words really helped remind me of the positive reasons for doing the program.
After enjoying lunch, we decided to head out and get to Lake Buena Vista, FL earlier than we initially planned. (Fun fact: Disney is actually in Lake Buena Vista, NOT Orlando, although you have in is the town over and you have to drive through Orlando to get there). We had a practically perfect drive to Disney, only hitting traffic when we got to Orlando, and not for very long (though of course, because of the close proximity to our final destination, it felt a lot longer :) ).
I am more blessed than I can put into words. I can't believe this is happening. Literally every time I drive past the entrance to Walt Disney World, I feel like I'm in a dream. Because we have been wanting to do this program for so long it seems as though it can't possibly be real. But it is. Ugh!! It's so so amazing. If I could bottle the feeling of my dream coming true and give it to everyone I would because it is incredible. I can't wait to see where this internship takes me, but I know there are a lot of opportunities ahead. We shall see!
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