"If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme."

Disney Past and Present

Saturday, March 12, 2011

SO close.

I have received two new emails from Disney! Here is the first:

The title of the message is "Welcome to the Team". Essentially what the email contains is information that we will need to have before we arrive. There is a countdown (158 days as of today!), information about the courses they are offering, and it also mentions Disney's game, Mission: Timekeeper that was created to help us learn important information about Disney's history. It was nice to receive an email from them because to be honest, as the excitement of first finding out was fading, I got back into my every day routine, forgetting where I will be in the fall. The email was a happy reminder of why I am taking so many classes this semester: so I can go to Disney!

The next email was entitled: Audition Reminder. Here it is:

It's a bit hard to decipher but the scrolling gold letters say "Picture your dreams coming true." It seems corny that my sister and I keep saying "dreams really do come true" but that is sincerely how we feel. Every time we went to Disney as children, there was this overwhelming feeling that this was where we were supposed to be. I wish I was less sentimental and emotional, although knowing my parents, it's not surprising that I am, but when my Dad and I left Disney my sophomore year of college to return home, I cried. Haha. It felt so weird to be heading back to school when I felt so at home in Disney. Naturally, most people do not want to leave a vacationing spot and return to every day life, but it was so much more than that for me, it felt wrong leaving, like I was supposed to be there. That feeling is what is making this experience even more incredible. I feel so so grateful to be able to be fulfilling this dream. It will be so incredibly difficult to be away from my family and Nate and though that has been weighing on my mind, I know that this is where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to be doing, and that, along with the wonderful support and encouragement I have been receiving, is what is getting me through the heaviness of leaving.

On a lighter note, our audition is Friday!! I can't believe it's already been a month since we found out we made it into the program and almost two since we had our phone interviews. Time is really flying by! The plan is to drive to PA on Thursday night, stay at a hotel in Philadelphia and then go to our audition at 9 am! I don't know what the process is or how long it will take but I suppose we will be done in a few hours. You can expect a post within a few days after the audition detailing the experience! This has been a crazy audition process! It makes sense, since Disney has very high standards for their employees, but I never thought there would be so many steps involved! I suppose on one hand it is good because it gives you many opportunities to show off your best self!

I haven't decided what I would like the outcome of the audition to be. Ideally, I would love to be in parades and shows, and they don't audition for that at the Disney College Program auditions, you have to wait until you are down in Orlando. So right now I just feel like I will go, have fun, and do my best, and hope that what is meant to be will be!

I really am hoping that my sister and I will be in the same group (they say you audition in groups of 5) so that we can give each other feedback on our auditions and what we think the judges thought. We will definitely be checking in together which will mean our numbers will be one after the other but I hope one of us isn't the last of one group and the other the first of the next.

So many thoughts, and hopes! Expect a post soon! Until then, think magical thoughts for us :)

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